Vocabulary List

4 Tips to Expand Your Vocabulary the Smartest Way

Being fluent in English needs practice and perseverance. However, that doesn’t mean you have to learn in a boring way. You can learn by reading newspapers, watching Hollywood movies, and listening to news reports in the English television channels. With the advancement of new technologies like digital devices, smartphones and the Internet, learning English has become fun and interesting. You should particularly emphasize on developing your vocabulary because it is a primary aspect of learning English. It surely pays to learn new words every day, but you should follow some smart ways to do that:

  • Try a dictionary app: Instead of learning new words from traditional dictionaries, you can create and maintain your own dictionary on your phone. Use your smartphone to download a dictionary app. With the help of such an app, you can create your own customized vocabulary list on your phone. This can help you a lot in noting and remembering new English words. This practice of creating your own dictionary along with word usages will help you in learning to frame sentences correctly.
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  • Watch subtitled videos: Another way to enhance your word power in English is by watching videos, movies, and tutorials with subtitles. As you watch a movie with subtitle, you can follow the right pronunciations, usages, and spellings of words. You must keep note of the new words you learn and find out the meanings of those.
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  • One of the best ways to improve spoken English is regular practice. You may not get enough scope of speaking the language at home. But you can practice speaking English with other ESL students of your class. You can also try speaking the language with your office colleagues. Some ESL students also practice speaking before a mirror. This lends you a lot of confidence while speaking and also improves your fluency.
  • Play word games, fill up crossword puzzles, and participate in vocabulary quizzes. You can fill up puzzles in newspapers, magazines, or can watch quizzes and word games on television.

Remember the above tips to improve your vocabulary. If you have any other smart ideas, please share with us.

TOEFL Vocabulary List – 3 Helpful Tips to Prepare For TOEFL

3 Helpful Tips to Prepare For TOEFL

TOEFL Vocabulary List

The TOEFL scores are recognised by more than 9,000 educational institutions around the world. Are preparing for this test?? You must be burning midnight oil preparing for TOEFL vocabulary list and working on English grammar. But don’t get too tense; it’s not too tough to crack TOEFL test.

TOEFL Vocabulary List

Do you know how the TOEFL tests your English skills? It is a test that takes into account your ability to understand and use English. You need to show your proficiency in reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. So, you can see that there’s a tough competition out there! Especially, if you are an ESL English student, you need to practice a lot to survive the competition. Give below are 5 tips to help you prepare for TOEFL test:

1. Read and Listen: You need to read aloud as much as possible to prepare yourself. You must read on a wide variety of topics. You can practice reading on current affairs, reviews, articles, books, and magazines.
2. Write as much as possible: It is suggested that all students who are preparing for the TOEFL tests must write as much as possible. You can maintain your own blogs and can contribute your writings to the micro-blogging sites. Maintain a notepad containing TOEFL vocabulary list and refer to it as often as you require. These days you can maintain a TOEFL vocabulary list on your Smartphone. There are quite a few vocabulary apps in the market (like Subcommune) that can create, organise, and maintain your own vocabulary list.
3. The pronunciation and spelling trick: Remember it is very important to learn the right pronunciations. Do you have good knowledge of grammar? You need to learn spellings too. There are websites and portals where you can find tutorials on TOEFL tests. In addition to that you can use mobile apps that are specially designed to make TOEFL test preparation easy for you.

The more you practice, the more confident you are to crack TOEFL. Just make sure you are systematic and organised during your preparation. Here’s wishing you All the Best!

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TOEFL Vocabulary List